Monday, November 15, 2010

Moving Forward

I first saw the video below on a Facebook posting by Enzo of Ten Mountains, Ten Days. This is truly one of the best inspirational videos that I have ever seen. Thank you, Enzo. That being said, it does have images of movie violence (boxing). If this is disturbing to you, look away and listen to the audio. If the movie, Rocky, did not bother you, you should be good to go.

I think this video speaks to everyone who has had adversity. It gives us the perspective that we are accountable for our own lives and that we have the ability to impact our situation whatever that might be.

Do not be afraid to fight back, I know it's hard. I know you hurt. Every day I have that one golden minute where I'm not asleep, but not quite awake and I am not shaking. Just that one moment reminds me of what it was like to be "normal", what it felt like before. Then the reality of day begins. That one golden moment reminds me of what I want back.

I know many people wake up and think where is the hope, who will help me. The hope lies in everyone of us. All great things ever done, all the achievements ever reached, every impossibility that was made possible, was done by one of us. I believe God built miracles into everyone. We need to stop looking at each other or up to the sky for a miracle to fall in our laps. We need to pray for the courage to unleash our own greatness and for the courage to move forward.

Impossible is just another word used when someone is to scared or tired. It is the word that gives you permission to quit even before you make an attempt. There is nothing wrong with fear, apprehension, or anxiety. It is what the rational person feels before something great is attempted. Some of our brothers and sisters can no longer fight this battle, but we can and if a cure was not meant for us, then for our children and our grandchildren.

Every day Parkinson's pushes me and every day I push back. Every day I ride my stationary bike or walk with my wife, work out at the gym, go to the driving range, or golf. You must ask your doctors what is safe for you to do, and then let them help you make a plan, diet nutrition. Don't forget to exercise your brain, play games like backgammon, chess, poker, things that challenge you mentally. Sad or depressed? Who would not understand that? Go to YouTube, watch something that makes you laugh or call someone and tell them you need some cheering up. Read a book, something uplifting and positive, or read a blog by one of my fellow bloggers. Their links are listed to the right of this post. There is a great three part article at POSITIVELY PARKINSONS on staying positive. It's a wonderful, well written blog that you should add to your favorites. 12 Paws and Frogs -- Kj's wonderful photos and posts always inspire. She is a great example of someone living life with joy and style despite PD. If you do read our blogs, please leave a comment, question, suggestion, or an idea of a subject you would like us to blog about. We take the time to do this for you and letting us know in our own small way that we helped, inspires us.

We need to come together and support each other, get active in this fight. I know it's not easy, not easy at all, but don't sit and do nothing. The only thing that I ever did that was easy, was doing nothing at all.

"I may shake, but my resolve is steady."

I'm Pat Younts and I move to live.


  1. WOW! Pat I swear that this is what you were called to do. To be a true inspiration to others!
    Love you guys!

  2. Thank you for your powerful words Pat!

    Love, Marsha


Parkinson's and a Promise

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