Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mindset and Parkinson's

"You can do anything if you set your mind to it", the saying goes, but what does that mean? Anything can be done. True want is a very strong force. The 'want to' in someone can achieve great things. A singular personified desire focused on a specific goal by a person can be a true force of nature. Want is preceded by the setting of the mind; that is putting your thoughts into a place, a staging area from which you will go forward.

For instance, what kind of day do you "want" to have? I presume a good one. When you wake up, what is your first thought? Is it positive or negative? If for one week you wrote down what you thought of as you got out of bed, the first thing you programmed in, how you set your mind for the day, what would be on that piece of paper? "I need more sleep." "I am so tired", or "I love the smell of coffee brewing in the morning; that should perk me up", "I hate my job", or "Thank goodness I have a job to go to". "Why me? Why do I have PD", or "What will I do to fight back? How can I help others like me and improve my quality of life?" I think very few of us wake up and put a smile on our faces, but wouldn't it be great if we did? If you fought through all those negative thoughts, and just smiled -- for those of us with Parkinson's who are masking a smile on the inside, one that radiates out of your body -- then shout at the top of your lungs, "I WILL HAVE A GREAT DAY!"  Actually, do not shout because everyone else in your house will begin their day by falling out of their beds -- not the way to start the day for them. It would be great to think or say it to yourself.

I set my mind to three components each day. Listen to some music. Rhythmic sounds can help with stress. Laughter and humor have been shown to have both physical and emotional benefits so I find a way to laugh every day.  Last but not least, meditation. There is much information coming out on its benefits. Meditation is now part of my daily routine.

Life takes work. You can sit there and hope it comes to you or you can go out and get it.

Every day we set ourselves to task, but the one task we overlook is what kind of day to have. Take care of the things that are in your control and don't dwell on the things that aren't.  All we really have is a series of moments that make up our lives. We need to squeeze every ounce of joy we can out of them. One moment we are here, the next we are gone, and in between that, we have a choice of how we live each day. Simple? Yes. Easy to do? No, but you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

Have a great day!

I'm Pat Younts and I Move to Live.


  1. More great and wise words from my powerful friend! Ommmmm...

    Marsha =0)

  2. Too true, my PD pal. Attitude is everything? How to maintain it is the challenge, for the enemy lurks around every corner, ready to rain on any parade we create. Carry an umbrella!!!

  3. Meditation, laughing, and music? Life is GOOD :)


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